Wednesday, November 24, 2004
You Too?
"Unos, dos, tres, catorce!"

So Kelly went out and bought How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb yesterday. I have to admit, I haven't been this excited about an album release since GNR put out Appetite For Destruction when I was in high school. They had me at hello with the I-Pod commercial and I've been streaming it from MTV's the Leak for a week. But it's nice not to have it on CD and not get cut off every two minutes.

My thoughts on the album and U2 in general:
Great tunes- I would highly recommend getting it. The weaving of driving rhythms with lyrics that have spiritual depth is genius. If I had but one band to listen to the rest of my life, it would have to be U2. Their body of work is diverse, yet compelling- especially for a three-piece band. I know the complaints out there against them: that they're soft, that they're just write spiritual lyrics to pander to Christians, that Bono should keep his mouth shut about social issues. Honestly, I don't give a rip anymore. In our society of deconstruction where everyone's a critic, I just like their music, OK. Why can't that be enough?

yet another musing of steve-o @ 11:20:00 AM   0 comments
Tuesday, November 23, 2004
You Can Do It!!!
So I've tried this whole blogging thing before and I've been an utter failure at it. I guess there are a few reasons for this:

1. I lack the passion to be a successful blogger
One of the reasons I decided to try this again is because I spent the last few minutes reading some other people's blogs. Obviously I think, "if people like me will read their crap, then there has to be people interested in reading my crap." I mean, I believe I have an interesting life and people could actually be interested in what I think. But honestly, I'm pretty freaking lazy.

2. I don't type well
I never took it in school so I practice this morphed form of hunt and peck. For me to get my thoughts out takes more time than it does for others. By the way, if anyone knows of a good community education program that teaches typing, sign me up.

3. I obsess over the words I use when I write
Being married to an editor, I'm always trying to impress her with my mastery of the English language. I'll write and rewrite meaningless sentences just so I can sound better.

4. My job constrains what I can say
I'm a minister at a pretty conservative church. A lot of blogs I read have controversial thoughts and an occasional curse word- and I doubt you'll ever see either here. It's a dangerous tight-rope to walk trying to be edgy and authentic while at the same time respectful. And I sometimes have ear problems, so my balance isn't the best.

Nevertheless, I'm going to give it one more shot. You'll have to be a little patient with me as a maneuver around, but I'll try to make it worth it.
yet another musing of steve-o @ 7:28:00 PM   0 comments

Here Am I

Cincinnati, Ohio

I am disciple. I am husband. I am father. I am pastor. I am friend. I am Cincinnatian. I am westside. I am thirty [plus five]. I am what I am. I am Spartacus.

The Wife's Blog
Beit Carr Myspace
Beit Carr Flickr

Recent Ramblings
Yes, I Wrote All This
Dork Buttons
Sites Me Likes
Play On, Playa'
Promotional Considerations

