Monday, February 14, 2005 |
A Grammys Review |
I don't know if I ever really watched the Grammys before I got married. Then again, I'm not sure that I watched any kind of awards shows before we were married. But overall, I'd say I like to watch the Grammys the most. I love all kinds of music, so I end up like a kid in a candy store. A lot went on, so I'm not gonna write too much about everything, but here are my quick thoughts about what went on:
The introduction number was pretty cool. Could've done without the Gwen Steffani number; it just seemed out of place. It was a great mix of talent [Black Eyed Peas, Los Lonely Boys]. Speaking of which . . .
Alicia Keys has an unbelievable voice. And surprisingly, so does Jamie Foxx. I knew he could play piano, but he did a great job singing. By the way, if you haven't yet, rent the DVD of Ray. But with the good comes . . .
Tim McGraw can't sing. And he had like three shots at it. Some people just need a studio mix to sound better, which reminds me . . .
What was up with that J-Lo/Marc Anthony thing? I've never really watched Spanish Soap Operas, but I guess that's what it's like. Maybe we were supposed to be impressed because it's their first public duet since they've been together, but I kept waiting for the stage to blow-up or something interesting to happen. But I got nada[notice my use of the espanol in honor of their song]. At least . . .
U2 and Kanye West Rock. 'Nuff said.
Green Day's all grow'd up. Well, sorta. But I'm finally gonna have to get a copy of American Idiot. Can't believe they won a Grammy. And to the recording academy I say . . .
Way to give Led Zeppelin a Lifetime Achievement Award. Yeah, and then show them for like two seconds. Good call. While I'm in this sarcastic mood . . .
Would you really buy that on I-Tunes? I'm all for supporting the tsunami relief, but the celebrity collaboration of the Beatles Nothings Gonna Change the World isn't worth the 99cent charge. It was rather painful to listen to. Also on the list of stuff I wouldn't buy . . .
Britney Spears won a Grammy. I found that out this morning. It was for best dance recording for her song Toxic. Glad I didn't know that last night. Could've ruined the whole experience. Yet perhaps even more disappointing . . .
Wouldn't Ray Charles have rather been loved when he was alive? How weird was it that the guy who won the most Grammys hasn't been alive for eight months? I have the utmost respect for what he contributed to the music community, but I guess it just plays into the old adage that you don't know what you've got till it's gone. It's sad that it took Ray's death for him to finally get full credit for his life's work. |
yet another musing of steve-o @ 10:16:00 AM  |