Thursday, September 15, 2005
The house goes global
A couple of blog news items for you this afternoon:

First, the Echo Church website is finally online. Brian Coates designed it for us and I'm really excited about the way it turned out. In addition to this, we started a blog for the church where Aaron and I will post all sorts of things from deep theological thoughts to stuff like this. You can check it out at

Second, how crazy is this? I was curious to see who's reading my blog. I get some free stats about who checks it out at a place called Sitemeter. There are over fifty different people a day who have been checking out the junk I write [God bless you, my children], and one of you is from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. I find this a bit unusual since I've never been there, nor do I think I know anybody from there.

So in an effort to maintain [and possibly increase] my Kuala Lumpurian readership, I posted a picture of the Petronas Towers below. These are the tallest buildings in the world. And yes, they're in downtown Kuala Lumpur. Kuala Lumpurians are welcomed here.

yet another musing of steve-o @ 2:29:00 PM  

Here Am I

Cincinnati, Ohio

I am disciple. I am husband. I am father. I am pastor. I am friend. I am Cincinnatian. I am westside. I am thirty [plus five]. I am what I am. I am Spartacus.

The Wife's Blog
Beit Carr Myspace
Beit Carr Flickr

Recent Ramblings
Yes, I Wrote All This
Dork Buttons
Sites Me Likes
Play On, Playa'
Promotional Considerations

