Friday, January 06, 2006
Daniel, My Brother . . .
With the end of 7th Heaven in sight, apparently the American viewing audience was in need of another television show detailing the life of a minister and his family. NBC is attempting to fill the void with their new show The Book of Daniel.

I'm always interested in the media's interpretations on faith, so I decided to watch tonight's two-hour premier. The best word I could use to define the show would be "spastic." In case you didn't know, the show has nothing to do with the Biblical book of Daniel. Actually, I don't think it has anything to do with anything.

Let me try to fill you in on the series storyline:

Daniel [last name Webster] is a pill-popping Episcopal priest married to a martini muzzling wife. Their raising a family where one of son is gay, the other son is an adopted Chinese teen who's having sex with a deacon's daughter, and their only daughter sells drugs [but doesn't use them] to make a little extra money. The priest's family has a maid who smokes the chronic that she steals from the daughter. The priest's father is a bishop who's having an affair with the priest's governing bishop, all while his wife is suffering from Alzheimers. Things get bad when the priest's brother-in-law, who handles the church's money, embezzles the funds and then dies of a heart attack. The brother-in-laws wife was having an affair with his secretary. To find the lost funds, the priest enlists his a member of the Catholic clergy with mafia connections. And if this wasn't enough, the priest constantly converses with a Life-Saver distributing Jesus who looks like he's straight out of 1970.

I think that about covers it.

Thanks, NBC, for producing such a realistic view of what it's like to be in the ministry. I only wish my life was as tame as old Daniel's.

I'm just saying the Peacock Network better watch out: they're going to get Uncle Pat talking again.
yet another musing of steve-o @ 11:20:00 PM  

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Cincinnati, Ohio

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