Friday, August 05, 2005
Web Fads
This feels like a good Friday topic: web fads over the past ten years. This article is fun and includes links to all top ten. My top three:

3. Star Wars Kid [wonder what this kid is doing with his life?]
2. Hamster Dance [I'm singing the song in my head even as I type]
1. Dancing Baby [thank you Ally McBeal]

I remember the first time I used the internet. I was in college and Brian Morris had his computer connected to his phone line so he could go online. I was clicking things with the mouse, worried that I was doing it wrong. I specifically remember asking, "What do I do now?" "You look up stuff," was his reply. "Oh," I said.

That summer, trying to make some extra money to pay for Kelly's engagement ring, I spent my evenings at my alma mater wiring the entire dorms for internet usage. By that fall, I was online all the time. The best thing since the internet is definitely high-speed internet. One day you'll be telling your grandkids, "Back in my day we had to multi-task waiting for pages to download." And they'll say, "Whatever Grandpa." And you'll say, "here, let me see if I'm hot or not."

I love that internet.
yet another musing of steve-o @ 8:53:00 AM  

Here Am I

Cincinnati, Ohio

I am disciple. I am husband. I am father. I am pastor. I am friend. I am Cincinnatian. I am westside. I am thirty [plus five]. I am what I am. I am Spartacus.

The Wife's Blog
Beit Carr Myspace
Beit Carr Flickr

Recent Ramblings
Yes, I Wrote All This
Dork Buttons
Sites Me Likes
Play On, Playa'
Promotional Considerations

