Tuesday, July 12, 2005 |
A Good Day? |
I started this post Monday morning. I never finshed. I'll explain why in a second.
"There's nothing like a good day [especially a Sunday] to make you charged up about another week.
God was definitely good yesterday as He showed himself throughout the day. Yesterday morning Dominic Delvechio [I never spell his name right] taught my morning Sunday School class so he could complete a requirement for a summer course he was taking at CCU. He did an awesome job. Even pulled out the Hebrew ["hevel" in the book of Ecclesiastes] during the lesson. It's cool to see God raise up new teachers and leaders right in front of you.
After church we played some softball. I had my game on, so it was a great time. Kelly is smoking the ball right now. It's all I can do to keep up with her. I mean, I don't want to be the guy invited to play because his wife is good.
We had our VBS carnival here at church after that. Every year we do snowcones. I don't like snowcones too much."
And that's were I ended. The day ended up well. For our college-age gathering [Catalyst], Tim Tucker gave his testimony. It was an amazing gathering. Later that night Kelly and I ended up sitting in her car in the CCM parking lot watching the Kings Island fireworks. We reflected about how it was a wonderful day. And then Monday happened.
It wasn't that Monday was bad, it was just crazy. We had an appointment to see the condo that we were interested in. As we were checking it out I received the call from the guy buying our home. His financing went through and they'll be buying our home. Good news. BUT the sale of their house went through so they'll be wanting to move in July 29th. Not so good news. They don't want to go through a home inspection for our house, so we'll get what we originally agreed on. More good news. BUT the condo we want to move into is smaller than our current place, so we'll have a bunch of stuff to get rid of. More not so good news. The condo we'll be getting is new construction. We'll get to pick out the tiles, cabinets, and fixtures and get a ten-year city tax abatement. Good news. BUT it won't be finished until the end of September. More not so good news.
So as the thought of the chaos that will be started to settle in, we got a little stressed-out. Combine the house stress with the new church items, and it's quite a cocktail. But as Kelly and I talked about it, we started to get excited. God has done nothing but take care of things. All we've done is trust him and things have gone great. Why worry now? We'll get rid of our excess stuff, rent a POD so we can keep our possessions in storage, and live with my parents until the place is finished [they won't even charge us rent]. Even though a lot is going on, it's all good. Nothing BUT good.
Life is all how you handle it. Sometimes I'm a champ and sometimes I'm a schlep, but overall I force myself to have good days. I like good days. And these have been some good days. |
yet another musing of steve-o @ 5:54:00 PM  |